would like to offer some thoughts on the pastoral implications of the
belief that God is the cause of evil, and that God inflicts harm. I do
not believe he in any way shape or form is the cause of evil. To believe that the
Lord inflicts evil in the least degree can have destructive
consequences. What pastor has not heard the question in time of crisis,
“Why did God allow this to happen? Why did this happen to me? Is God
punishing me?” I asked a patient recently how he expressed his sense of
spirituality. He said, “I guess I don’t. My wife has Parkinson’s and I
blame God for it. I am angry at God for it.”
The feeling is understandable, but this is reasoning from emotion. The
questions above are a first response when the shock of tragedy begins to
set in, and one has to deal with it. Often as people begin to talk
further about their feelings and beliefs, they reveal that they do not
really believe God is punishing them, but they are still angry. It is
normal and healthy to feel so; in fact, it is very Biblical. In
lamentations the response to deep suffering is modeled for us; the
people wail with complaints at him, and wrestle with what God is doing,
but they are taking their feelings to him.
Lamentations shows how God is big enough to handle all our anger and
despair, and that these feelings are safe with him. When we open and
witness our feelings to each other and to God, they are shared suffering
and gradually transformed into thankfulness and love.
There are other times that people get stuck in their anger. Reasoning
that God is punishing them involves the assumption that God is
inflicting evil on them; that is how it may appear and how it feels. To
work with this it helps to seek to discover the root of the
anger and emotion, because it is trapped emotion that drives this
belief. One needs to offer deep acknowledgement and compassion for the
cause of the emotion. (This is the primary factor in all of this, and involves therapy, but being a chaplain is not usually full therapy). Later, at the appropriate time it may be
possible to help a person re-think theology from a place of loving God.
There are other times though when a person does not change the feeling of anger nor their intellectual belief that God is punishing them. Lets explore how this works a little bit.
There are other times though when a person does not change the feeling of anger nor their intellectual belief that God is punishing them. Lets explore how this works a little bit.
friend approached me yesterday and we talked about his marriage
struggles. He described how his wife was so emotionally attached to her
family and their drama that she can’t bond with him. He has tried to
help his wife’s family with their many compelling dysfunctional issues,
even helping some of them by letting them live in his house. When he had
to stand up to certain issues he got a lot of grief, not only from his
wife’s family, but to his dismay – from his wife. He said he suffers
because his wife’s love-hate relationship with her family prevents her
from being able to fully bond with him. She is psychologically consumed
in battling with, and trying to prove herself to her family. He said she
suffered a lot of trauma in her youth and the unresolved anger around
it is booby trapped with self-protect mechanisms against dealing with
the pain. He said that she has even let go of her relationship with God,
and refuses now to talk about God. This is a hardened place for her.
the first shock of trauma we react from a default place of emotion, and
think from appearances. The natural reaction is felt in this way: if no
one cares about me, then I don’t care about you, or me. This is a
cut-off, and feeds the forsaken feeling that ‘God is punishing me’. This
may explain what is happening in the story above. These feelings are
not necessarily bad. As I said above, often after the first shock people
are put in a position to wrestle with God, and are able to incorporate a
more spiritual perspective. They re-define and deepen their connection.
But other times the pain of trauma is too deep, people have erected
hardened barriers around it, and will not let their position be budged.
Swedenborg gives us a great framework for understanding this subject. He
To think and conclude from the internal is to think from ends and causes to effects, but to think and conclude from the external is to think from effects to causes and ends. The latter progression is against order, but the former is according to order; for to think and conclude from ends and causes is to think and conclude from goods and truths clearly seen in the higher region of the mind. Such from creation is the nature of human rationality itself. But to think and conclude from effects is to conjecture causes and ends from the lower region of the mind where are the sensual things of the body with their appearances and fallacies (CL, 408).
To think and conclude from the internal is to think from ends and causes to effects, but to think and conclude from the external is to think from effects to causes and ends. The latter progression is against order, but the former is according to order; for to think and conclude from ends and causes is to think and conclude from goods and truths clearly seen in the higher region of the mind. Such from creation is the nature of human rationality itself. But to think and conclude from effects is to conjecture causes and ends from the lower region of the mind where are the sensual things of the body with their appearances and fallacies (CL, 408).
God is punishing us is an example of coming to a conclusion from
external thinking. We see the evidence of, lets say a stroke; we
appropriately feel anger and pain and loss, and from appearances
conclude that God is punishing us. But this is from natural thinking. As
we process the situation spiritually we can see that our experience is
part of the human condition, and that God is the foundation stone that
we can trust in our hearts. Healthy anger springs from the desire to
find, establish and reclaim our identity. When we feel the grief there
is an opening up, because grief is a form of love; it is love when there
is the pain of loss. Bitter, hardened anger concludes that ‘no one
cares, and there fore we are not going to care’ (although this is, of
course, never true; it is either defiance, or crying out for help).
It is my experience and observation that, quite often, the cause of
the stuck place is unresolved emotion from trauma. The unresolved
emotion drives a wedge between our selves and our loved ones, between
God and us. To maintain the wedge requires dissociating from what we
really need to deal with, which manifests in all kinds of addictions,
and evasive behavior. It also causes us to use ideologies as
dissociative tools, such as using relativism to justify any position we
want so as to not face our self, or using the dogma of religiosity to
avoid vulnerability and pain. If the dissociation becomes chronic, it
causes a distancing from the foundation of our being - God. The anger
and pain don’t go away, and the wedge displaces
our ability to receive the Lord in our hearts. This phenomena of
displacement is I think very significant. Swedenborg says it this way:
To the degree we harbor evil, we cannot receive good.
Many people have suffered trauma in their youth. The trauma could be at
the hands of religion, one’s parents, political organizations, schools,
relatives or any number of things. Trauma due to abuse causes a deep
emotional imprint in the heart, and in the neuronal networks of the
brain. It can also be added to by ones own misbehavior, which compounds
self-inflicted hate and poor identity. These experiences cause
disillusion, suffering, and despair. People learn strategic ways to
protect themselves against these emotional scars. Even those who do a
lot of processing work around the issue often don’t get to the core of
it. Intense emotional experiences of injustice become internalized, held
in a place where they can’t cause further pain. If this kind of
emotional hiding persists the ‘underground’ emotion can displace our
reception of good. The stuck emotion inside feeds-off polarized feelings
from childhood that habitually and reactively dart between helplessness
and omnipotence. These are drasticized childhood feelings that we
regress to as a default strategy. Self-protection around the underground
pain has been made a matter of survival, leaving us with un-resourced
places inside, at least when it comes to certain matters. When
triggered, we regress back to this place and react from it,
unconsciously employing tried and true self-defense mechanisms, or
escaping through some form of dissociation. The stuck person protects
this emotion at all costs, even if they unconsciously hurt others. It
sometimes doesn’t matter how much psychological or religious information
a person has gained in their life; in fact the more they have, the more
sophisticated the self-protection mechanism, and the more elaborate the
intellectual framework that is used to mask it.
this condition, deep down there is anger at others, and even deeper
anger at God. There can’t help but be because God is the foundation of
our being, and the true source we eventually need to humble ourselves
toward to resolve it. Providentially God is always working to prevent
these ill feelings from becoming trapped and unseen, where they become
like poison in the blood. This is the essential meaning of the Biblical
phrase to be hot or cold, not lukewarm. We are to let our love or hate
of God, and each other, see the light of day where it can be worked out
and removed.
To say that God inflicts evil is not only a theological falsity, but
what is worse; it inflames the negative and self-destructive impulses in
the suffering person. Imagine telling someone who is struggling with
the feeling that God is punishing them that God is the one who inflicts
evil. If they really theologically believe that God is against them,
then there is nothing that can help – end of story - self destructiveness is justified. Such a notion arises
from external thinking. God never causes evil, but allows evil for the
providential purpose of removing evil. The Lord is the redemptive force
in our hearts and minds. He is the comforter; and his love is closest
when we are most ill and suffering. It is irrational to blame God for
the evil that happens, because God is good itself.
When trauma causes a gap in our psyche, we suffer a distortion, at
least in some areas of perception. For instance, I was in a preaching
class and a man gave a sermon on the story of how Mary came to Jesus and
washed his feet with her tears. The student preacher was a talented
speaker, and gave a very dramatic presentation of a traumatic event. He
told of being in his room at the age of seven, and hearing disturbing
noises in the living room. He desperately wanted them to go away, but
they persisted. He heard thumping and crying. He stepped out of his room
and into the living room. His step-dad was beating and abusing his
mother. This story was very intense and shocking to hear. The preacher
went on to exegete the scripture by offering this provocative
interpretation: he said Mary was not there to worship and seek
forgiveness from Jesus, but it was Jesus that needed to seek forgiveness
from Mary.
It seems to me most people would agree this interpretation of the text
is inappropriate. It appears his interpretation was made in the image of
his emotional reaction and traumatic imprint. This is the distortion of
trapped emotion and trauma. It is good therapy for him in the right
setting, which is not to be minimized, but that is not the purpose of
the situation. In a sermon one is a servant leader to the people of the
congregation, and looks to the tethering of God to make meaning of the
text for the lives of the people, not ones own emotional needs. One
needs to pay attention to, or seek to tether themselves to the urging of
the Holy Spirit to make meaning for the sake of the congregation. We
are always tethered to something, whether we know it or not, and
sometimes we tether ourselves to money, addictions, people, and material
ambitions, and emotions all of which can displace God. The point of
this is not to judge people, but to be resourced as a practitioner in
assessing what is going on, and seeing what people’s needs are. By
discerning the particulars we have a better chance to be present and
compassionate to the needs of our self and others.
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