A woman asked me if it is possible to be spiritual without God. I think most of you would agree the simple answer is 'no'. But I thought it would be a good exercise to articulate the answer. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments in the comment section at the end.
We cannot be
spiritual without God. God is life itself, and love and wisdom in the
spiritual world radiate from him like heat and light from the sun. Just
as the physical sun sustains life for the physical world, the spiritual
sun sustains all life. Love corresponds to heat, and wisdom to light. The
human form is a receptacle of life that originates from the source - the divine human -
God. Yes God is in the human form, as it says in the Bible we are made
in his image. The nature of the source is reflected in all the things he
creates, as the macro and the micro. We are not God, there is only one
God. We are receptacles of life from God like the eye is an organ that
receives light from the sun - our soul is an organ, the highest form in
all the universe that receives love and wisdom from the Lord.
The reason there is no spirituality without God is this; the essence of
spirituality is to acknowledge God and to do good things of use in our
life, and these two must be done together. Spirituality comes from the
union of the two; it comes from having the receptiveness, the innocence,
the humility to see that the good we do comes from him, and not our
self. Zen, Christian meditation, yoga all the practices seek to find the
sweet spot of walking this narrow path - accepting the divine in our
actions. This position makes our heart soft like good soil, soil that God can
germinate life in.
Without God we are an empty, selfish, heap, on the ground dead as a door
nail. Life and freedom are both entirely gifts from God, this awareness
alone is sufficient to find humility and devotion.
The articles on Correspondences and the human form are very helpful in further understanding these ideas.
Hello, I realize this blog was being redirected. I set up a new improved secure sight at: swedenborgstories.com. Please visit there, thank you. I am Pastor Steve Sanchez. I hope to bring you stories and insights from my experience and studies concerning movies and events. I work as a full time chaplain and bereavement coordinator. I use music a lot in my work. I love stories of transformation. I integrate religion, psychology, science and God, the Word, and our lives.
Rev. Steve Sanchez

Swedenborgian Minister
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