Rev. Steve Sanchez

Rev. Steve Sanchez
Swedenborgian Minister

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Dynamics of Cult Mind Control, Trauma of Coming out of it, and How it Compares to the Darkness Before Jesus

The most compelling way to describe the external and dark state of the people at the time when Jesus was born is to compare it to what happens in cults. In a cult, for the most part, the member who comes under the spell (mind control) of the cult does not see or feel them self being manipulated and compelled. The natural impulse to fight for their identity is smothered under compounded levels of deception. If a person clearly saw the deception, they would fight it, either internally or outwardly to get away and regain their identity. Mind control comes upon a person very gradually, step by step, until ones values and priorities are turned to the cult’s intentions. A good member follows the cult values with enthusiasm, and ends up fighting for them with all their will and energy. At some point cults always decline, because evil by nature eventually begins to destroy itself, so the cult begins to implode. Evil wants to remain hidden, but it eventually becomes exposed. The odd thing about cults is that while a person is in it, they do not experience the full pain of it. The constant activities, sleep-deprivation, elitist ideology, a constant cycle of reward and crisis, love bombing, and then public shaming - all these things and many more keep the natural impulses in a person at bay – like a garden that constantly has to be weeded. But underneath, or below consciousness, the experience is causing latent rage and trauma, because mind control is abusive and unjust to the soul. The member believes the goals of the cult are above all reproach; they believe its way is better than all others; and this gives them reason to justify their actions to varying degrees of badness. To the degree a person has been compelled and manipulated to act in conformity against their internal will, spiritually they are not yet fully responsibility for it, but if some part of their will secretly or openly becomes complicit with it, they take on the burden of committing evil. For the most part, only God can measure this balance. When they begin to wake up to the reality of their situation, they have the enormous psychological task of facing their rage and dealing with the trauma. The cult member must face the compounded levels of pain and deception. The situation was similar for the New Testament person; because of the oppressive cosmic darkness they lived in, and the character of the agnostic society that they lived in, they were compelled to be in an external state. To the degree they inherited or were compelled into an external state they would not be fully held responsible, and therefore judged negatively for it; judgement would depend on their personal internal will toward others and God. The overabundance of evil had trapped the people’s mind to its design, and once it gained momentum there was little the people could do about it. When Jesus came His mission was to help the people emerge from this darkness, and to introduce the people to genuine love, compassion, and wisdom.

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